If you’re buying or selling a home, there’s a good chance you will encounter some sort of dispute, this can be hard Wade kricken to deal with on your own, especially if this is your first time buying or selling property.
Luckily, real estate law covers many different types of disputes that arise during the process of buying and selling homes. You should know what these are before entering into any contract for either buying or selling a house so that you know what to expect when things go wrong.
The most common issues I see include foreclosures, evictions, and landlord tenant disputes and your lawyer can help you find some peace of mind in the midst of chaos by helping facilitate resolution through negotiation or litigation if necessary.
What Is Real Estate Law
Real estate law is the area of law that deals with the ownership and transfer of real estate. Real estate law also deals with the rights, duties, and obligations of landlords and tenants, in addition to these topics, real estate disputes often involve:
● Deed restrictions
● Zoning laws
● Easements
What Kind Of Disputes Does Real Estate Law Address
Real estate law said by Wade kricken addresses a wide range of disputes between buyers and sellers, tenants and landlords, and neighbors. For example:
● A buyer may claim that the seller failed to disclose certain defects in the property
● A tenant may not be paying rent or is damaging the property while living there
● Neighbors may have disputes over trees that grow into each other’s land or access to shared driveways
What Do I Need To Know About The Process Of Home Buying And Selling
The process of home buying and selling is a complicated one, and it’s not something you want to jump into without doing your research first, or else you could end up in trouble.
Before you start looking for a lawyer, make sure that you know what the process looks like from start to finish and how much it will cost.
If possible, try to get an education about the real estate market in your area so that when it comes time for an attorney or agent or both to explain things like closing costs and escrow accounts, they aren’t speaking gibberish at Wade kricken full speed just because they know exactly what they’re talking about.
Lawyer Wade kricken For Real Estate and Litigation
