Harvesting the Heart Service When To See A Gynecologic Oncologist: Signs And Symptoms To Look Out For By Dr Scott Kamelle

When To See A Gynecologic Oncologist: Signs And Symptoms To Look Out For By Dr Scott Kamelle

The gynecologic oncologist is a specialized type of doctor who is trained to treat cancer in women. To determine whether you need to see a gynecologic oncologist, it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of cancer.

These include changes in your menstrual cycle or vaginal discharge that are not normal for you.

Abnormal Bleeding

Abnormal bleeding can be a sign of cancer, or it could be due to a benign condition. If you have abnormal bleeding, see your Dr Scott Kamelle to rule out cancer and get treatment for the underlying cause if necessary.

If your doctor thinks that you might have cervical cancer or another gynecologic cancer, they may recommend seeing an oncologist who specializes in treating these kinds of cancers.

An oncologist will want to do tests such as pelvic exams and Pap smears (tests where cells from inside the cervix are examined) so they can determine whether there is any abnormal tissue present and whether it needs further testing or treatment

Persistent Or Chronic Pelvic Pain

Persistent or chronic pelvic pain is a common issue and can be caused by several things. For example, endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of it (in other areas of your body), leading to chronic pain.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is another common cause of pelvic pain: it’s an infection of your uterus and fallopian tubes that can be caused by sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia or gonorrhea–but it’s also possible for PID to occur without any previous STIs as well if you’ve had multiple partners recently or used an IUD during sex without using condoms consistently enough for protection against STIs.

If you’re experiencing any sort of persistent discomfort in this area–whether sharp pains on one side or just general discomfort around the pelvis area–it may be worth seeing a gynecologist about it.


If you have any of these symptoms, talk to Dr Scott Kamelle . He can help determine whether it’s something serious that needs a specialist’s attention or if it can be treated with medication or other non-invasive means.

If you do need treatment, your gynecologic oncologist will work closely with other specialists to make sure that any side effects are minimal and that the cancer doesn’t return later down the line (which happens often).

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